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Expand D - Friends' photographsD - Friends' photographs
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Expand 1 - Material relating to St Anselm's Chapel1 - Material relating to St Anselm's Chapel
Expand 2 - Material relating to All Saint's Chapel 2 - Material relating to All Saint's Chapel
Expand 3 - Material relating to Aix-en-Provence3 - Material relating to Aix-en-Provence
Expand 4 - Material relating to St John's Hospital Northgate4 - Material relating to St John's Hospital Northgate
Expand 5 - Material relating to the Archbishop's Primatial Cross5 - Material relating to the Archbishop's Primatial Cross
Expand 6 - Ashendens and Gouldens View of Canterbury6 - Ashendens and Gouldens View of Canterbury
Expand 7 - Material relating to Bec Abbey7 - Material relating to Bec Abbey
Expand 8 - Material relating to Thomas Becket, archbishop8 - Material relating to Thomas Becket, archbishop
Expand 9 - Material relating to Bee boles9 - Material relating to Bee boles
Expand 10 - Material relating to Bell Harry Tower10 - Material relating to Bell Harry Tower
Expand 11 - Material relating to Stained Glass 11 - Material relating to Stained Glass
Expand 12 - Material relating to the Bossanyi windows12 - Material relating to the Bossanyi windows
Collapse 13 - Material relating to Heraldic Stained Glass13 - Material relating to Heraldic Stained Glass
1-3 - Heraldic stained glass windows (3) with legend concerning James Goldwell Bishop of Norwich. Photographs black and white Entwhistle, Hawks Lane, Canterbury.
4 - Heraldic stained glass window -Arms of Archbishop Boucher in Chapel of Our Lady Canterbury Cathedral. (See Friends Annual Report June 1945) Fisk-Moore, Canterbury.
5 - Heraldic stained glass window - Archbishop Boucher in Chapel of Our Lady, Canterbury Cathedral. (See Friends Annual Report June 1945). Fisk-Moore, Canterbury
6 - Heraldic stained glass, the Fishmonger's Company, in west window of Martyrdom Canterbury Cathedral. (See also Friends 19th Annual Report May 1946). Fisk-Moore, Canterbury
7 - Heraldic stained glass The City of London in west window of Martyrdom, Canterbury Cathedral (See also Friends Annual Report May 1946). Fisk-Moore, Canterbury.
8 - Heraldic stained glass in Martyrdom of Canterbury Cathedral of The Family of Barnewell. (See also Friends Annual Report May 1946) Fisk-Moore, Canterbury.
9 - Photograph of tomb of Archbishop Bouchier, Canterbury Cathedral.
10 - Postcard of Presbytery and Archbishop Boucher's Tomb, Canterbury Cathedral. Postcard black and white Raphael Tuck & Sons. Canterbury Cathedral Series 8.
11 - Photograph of illuminated manuscript document about visitation of Archbishop Bouchier. (2 copies)
12 - Photograph of stained glass window depicting 2 figures ?Archbishop Bouchier. Entwhistle, Hawks Lane, Canterbury
13 - Photograph stained glass window depicting Henry IV. Entwhistle, Hawks Lane Canterbury
14 - Photograph of stained glass window ?Archbishop Bouchier. Entwhistle Hawks Lane Canterbury
15 - Photograph of stained glass Canterbury Cathedral showing Jesse at the foot of the Jesse tree in the Corona. See Chronicle 1987.
16 - Photograph of stained glass of St Anselm at the sick bed of William Rufus, Canterbury Cathedral. (5 copies) Detail from Harry Summers' window 1959. See cover of Chronicle March 1994. Photograph colour Miss Lorraine Fitchie
Expand 14 - Candles/candlesticks Canterbury Cathedral14 - Candles/candlesticks Canterbury Cathedral
Expand 15 - Material relating to Bells15 - Material relating to Bells
Expand 16 - Material relating to Military16 - Material relating to Military
Expand 17 - Material relating to Bibles and service books17 - Material relating to Bibles and service books
Expand 18 - Material relating to Canterbury, general18 - Material relating to Canterbury, general
Expand 19 - Material relating to the Cloister Book of Arms19 - Material relating to the Cloister Book of Arms
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Expand 21 - Material relating to Canterbury Cathedral Exterior21 - Material relating to Canterbury Cathedral Exterior
Expand 22 - Material relating to Canterbury Cathedral Exterior, set 222 - Material relating to Canterbury Cathedral Exterior, set 2
Expand 23 - Material relating to Canterbury Cathedral Exterior, set 323 - Material relating to Canterbury Cathedral Exterior, set 3
Expand 24 - Material relating to Canterbury, New Zealand24 - Material relating to Canterbury, New Zealand
Expand 25 - Material relating to Edward, Black Prince.25 - Material relating to Edward, Black Prince.
Expand 26 - Canterbury Cathedral Plans26 - Canterbury Cathedral Plans
Expand 27 - Material relating to Canterbury Cathedral Organ27 - Material relating to Canterbury Cathedral Organ
Expand 28 - Material relating to the Chapter House28 - Material relating to the Chapter House
Expand 29 - Material relating to the Charter of William the Conqueror29 - Material relating to the Charter of William the Conqueror
Expand 30 - Material relating to Archbishop Henry Chichele30 - Material relating to Archbishop Henry Chichele
Expand 31 - Material relating to Heraldic Choughs31 - Material relating to Heraldic Choughs
Expand 32 - Material relating to English Church Seats32 - Material relating to English Church Seats
Expand 33 - Material relating to Cloister Bosses33 - Material relating to Cloister Bosses
Expand 34 - Cloisters34 - Cloisters
Expand 35 - Archbishop Courtenay35 - Archbishop Courtenay
Expand 36 - Corona West Window36 - Corona West Window
Expand 37 - Archbishop Cranmer37 - Archbishop Cranmer
Expand 38 - Christmas Crib38 - Christmas Crib
Expand 39 - Archbishop Davidson39 - Archbishop Davidson
Expand 40 - Cathedral Bosses40 - Cathedral Bosses
Expand 41 - Archbishop Fisher41 - Archbishop Fisher
Expand 42 - Canterbury Cathedral Font42 - Canterbury Cathedral Font
Expand 43 - Frick Collection43 - Frick Collection
Expand 44 - Christ Church Gateway Canterbury Cathedral44 - Christ Church Gateway Canterbury Cathedral
Expand 45 - Friends Banner45 - Friends Banner
Expand 46 - Glass Borders46 - Glass Borders
Expand 47 - Chapel of Edward the Confessor - Glass47 - Chapel of Edward the Confessor - Glass
Expand 48 - Crypt Canterbury Cathedral48 - Crypt Canterbury Cathedral
Expand 49 - North Choir Triforium Glass.49 - North Choir Triforium Glass.
Expand 50 - Holy Innocents Chapel50 - Holy Innocents Chapel
51 - VOID
Expand 52 - Infirmary Chapel52 - Infirmary Chapel
Expand 53 - Archbishop Kempe53 - Archbishop Kempe
54 - VOID
Expand 55 - Lambeth Palace55 - Lambeth Palace
Expand 56 - Lambeth Conference56 - Lambeth Conference
Expand 57 - Cosmo Gordon Lang, archbishop57 - Cosmo Gordon Lang, archbishop
Expand 58 - Canterbury Cathedral Furnishings58 - Canterbury Cathedral Furnishings
Expand 59 - Huguenots Slides59 - Huguenots Slides
Expand 60 - Sens Cathedral60 - Sens Cathedral
Expand 61 - Queen Elizabeth II61 - Queen Elizabeth II
Expand 62 - Dedication Services of Cloister Bay 62 - Dedication Services of Cloister Bay
Expand 63 - Samuel Caldwell63 - Samuel Caldwell
Expand 64 - Canons of Canterbury Cathedral64 - Canons of Canterbury Cathedral
Expand 65 - Miscellaneous Photographs for 1996 Chronicle65 - Miscellaneous Photographs for 1996 Chronicle
Expand 66 - Dean Simpson66 - Dean Simpson
Expand 67 - Restoration of Canterbury Cathedral Choir Fabric67 - Restoration of Canterbury Cathedral Choir Fabric
Expand 68 - Miscellaneous Stained Glass, Icons and Vestments 68 - Miscellaneous Stained Glass, Icons and Vestments
Expand 69 - Other bishops69 - Other bishops
Expand 70 - Canterbury Cathedral Wall Paintings.70 - Canterbury Cathedral Wall Paintings.
Expand 71 - Friends Open Evening71 - Friends Open Evening
Expand 72 - Queen Mother72 - Queen Mother
Expand 73 - Barons of Cinque Ports73 - Barons of Cinque Ports
Expand 74 - Miscellaneous Canterbury Cathedral74 - Miscellaneous Canterbury Cathedral
Expand 75 - Exhibition Cases75 - Exhibition Cases
Expand 76 - Friends in Canada76 - Friends in Canada
Expand 77 - Young Friends of Canterbury Cathedral77 - Young Friends of Canterbury Cathedral
Expand 78 - Laurence Irving, O.B.E.78 - Laurence Irving, O.B.E.
Expand 79 - Various Groups of People79 - Various Groups of People
Expand 80 - Enthronement of Archbishop Runcie80 - Enthronement of Archbishop Runcie
Expand 81 - Procession in Cloisters81 - Procession in Cloisters
Expand 82 - Archbishop Coggan82 - Archbishop Coggan
Expand 83 - Ceremony at Archbishop Sudbury's Tomb83 - Ceremony at Archbishop Sudbury's Tomb
Expand 84 - The Chapel of Our Lady Undercroft84 - The Chapel of Our Lady Undercroft
Expand 85 - Painting Canterbury Cathedral85 - Painting Canterbury Cathedral
Expand 86 - Unity Candle86 - Unity Candle
Expand 87 - George Carey, archbishop87 - George Carey, archbishop
Expand 88 - Robert Runcie, archbishop88 - Robert Runcie, archbishop
Expand 89 - Cathedral Interior 89 - Cathedral Interior
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