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Order NumberCCA-DCc/LitMs/B/11
Dateearly 15th century
DescriptionAEgidius (de Columna) Romanus (Giles of Rome). De regimine principum libri tres.
The author, who was an Augustinian friar, died at Avignon in 1316. The De regimine was printed at Augsburg in 1473. On a blank leaf between the end of the treatise, and the table of contents, is a letter from one Bernard, to Raymond lord of the castle of Amboise, containing advice on matters of domestic economy. The author, according to Didot, (Nouvelle Biographie generale) was Bernard Silvestre a Belgian divine of the 12th century, and not St Bernard of Clairvaux, amongst whose works this letter has been printed in some of the old editions.
The letter is full of quaint advice, eg "Malam uxorem potius risu quam baculo castigabis". On a guard leaf at the beginning of the book is the following note: "Liber Magistri Johannis Kyneton Monachi Xi Cantuarie". John Kynton died in 1416. Before becoming a monk of Christ Church, he had been a clerk in chancery and Chancellor to the Queen.
Described in Ker, Medieval Manuscripts, pp272-3.
Extent1 vol
Physical Description153 vellum leaves, double columns, 44 lines to the page, headings in red, capitals in red and blue surrounded by pen ornamentation, Original binding of white leather with flaps, clasps gone. 11 in by 8 3/4 in
Related MaterialReference (no 269), M R James, The Libraries of Canterbury and Dover, 1903
Publication NoteNote of ownership reproduced in Cathedral History, plate 79c

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