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Order NumberCCA-DCc/LitMs/B/1
TitleScotus, Ordinatio
Datelate 13th century
DescriptionScotus, Johannes Duns, in quartum Librum Sententiarum.
Vellum leaves, double columns of 57 lines to the page; capitals illuminated in red and blue. On a guard-leaf at the beginning is the following inscription: "Iste liber procuratus fuit monasterio de Whalleye per fratrem Willielmum de Singleton quondam scolarem dicti loci quem quicumque a dicta domo alienaverit anathema sit amen", and "Liber magistri Thome Dryffeld". Whalley was a Cistercian house in Lancashire. According to Ker, Medieval Manuscripts, p269, probably written in England, belonged to Whalley Abbey. On f124, 'Scocia plange quia periit tua gloria clara...'
Extent1 vol
Physical Description123 vellum leaves. Modern calf binding. 13 in. by 9 1/4 in.

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