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Order NumberCCA-DCc/ChAnt/S/81
PreviousNumbersS 402 (Norris); S 44 (late 19th c)
Date[late 13th century]
DescriptionFrom: Peter, rector of North Shoebury
To: Roger of Bromfords ('Brumford') [in Nevendon]

For 11 acres of land in the vill ('villa') of Shopland, of which 5 acres lie in a field called 'Teynacre' to east and 6 acres lie in a croft called 'bruncroft'. Also for an annual payment of 2s, payable by Absalom of Barling for 5 acres of land in Shopland, lying in the field called 'Teynacre' to east. Roger is to provide a lamp to burn before the cross in the church of Shopland. For this Roger has also paid 7 marks as a gersum fine. No date. [Date: handwriting and witnesses to other Southchurch charters.]

Witnesses: Richard of Southchurch; John de Torp; Richard de Creting'; William butiler; John Terri; Walter of Southchurch; William of Benfleet; Brice the clerk

Endorsed with description in late 13th cent hand.
Extent1 doc
Physical DescriptionParchment, 1m, seal, slightly stained

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