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Order NumberCCA-DCc/ChAnt/S/445
Date27 Feb 1375
DescriptionFrom: Laurence de Nigris, bachelor in laws, rector of Alderton [Suffolk?], Norwich diocese, deputy and subcollector of Arnold Garnerii, licentiate in laws, canon of Chalôns-sur-Marne ('Cathalanum') [Marne, France], papal nuncio and collector of the papal chamber
To: the prior and convent of Canterbury Cathedral Priory

The priory is acting sede vacante. All those named in the mandate have been cited by Arnold to appear before him in matters concerning his office as collector. They failed to appear and he excommunicated them for contumacy. The prior is to see that they are denounced in the cathedrals of Canterbury and Worcester and neighbouring churches until they are absolved. He is also to see that the income from benefices sequestrated by Laurence by this mandate is retained until the debts due to the papal chamber have been paid and to warn those who hold the benefices to appear before Arnold or Laurence in their? ('noster') house in London on 9 May to pay their debts, under pain of excommunication. The prior is also to sequestrate the profits of all benefices in the dioceses of Canterbury and Worcester from 15 Feb 1372 to 15 Feb 1374 until the first fruits for that period have been paid. He is to send £10 5s for Peter's Pence owed to the papal chamber for 1374 and 7s for Arnold's procurations for Michaelmas term last.
Two columns of names for Canterbury and Worcester dioceses, each with sections for names of those denounced, names of benefices to be sequestrated and names of religious warned, the last two sections also giving amounts owed.
Given at London.

Endorsed with copy mandate from Richard Gillyngham, prior of Canterbury Cathedral Priory, and the chapter of Canterbury Cathedral Priory to the rural dean of Canterbury, dated 23 Mar 1375 at Canterbury, instructing him to execute the part of the mandate relating to denunciations, the abbot of Boxley excepted, in Canterbury Cathedral on 25 Mar. Traces of brown wax applied seal.
Also endorsed 'Pro Camera Pape', 'Cantuar'' and with instruction to send? a letter to the prior of Worcester in late 14th cent hands.
Extent1 doc
Physical DescriptionParchment, 1m, paper seal on tongue, no impression remaining, filing hole to left, dirty, creased, stained

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