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Order NumberCCA-DCc/ChAnt/S/428
TitleNotarial instrument (copy)
PreviousNumbersI (mid 15th century)
Date[mid 15th century]
25 Jul 1443
DescriptionFrom: John Salisbury, I, prior of Canterbury Cathedral Priory; the chapter of Canterbury Cathedral Priory sede vacante

[Beginning of document damaged. Several areas of text lost. Sense unclear in places.] There is a dispute between Henry? goldyng, vicar of Sutton Valence, plaintiff ('pars actrix'), and the priory and convent of Leeds Priory, who have appropriated? the church. Henry claims that the portion assigned to his vicarage is inadequate, but Leeds Priory denies this.
Recites the agreement reached in a previous dispute heard in the court of audience of Henry [Chichele?], archbishop of Canterbury, between Laurence, then vicar of Sutton Valence, and Leeds Priory, giving details of the portion assigned to the vicarage, including provision for a chaplain for the chapel of East Sutton. The archbishop when the see is full or the cathedral priory when it is vacant can enforce the agreement. Written by Mgr W Martyn, notary public. No date. [Date: handwriting.] Date of original 25 Jul 1443 at the chapter house of Leeds Priory. Religious invocation at end of document.

Witnesses: J Waller', esq; - Doyle, esq; Thomas Burgeys, esq; Robert Somery, esq; Thomas Osmer, parishioner of Sutton Valence; Thomas Tastilbak, parishioner of Sutton Valence; Richard Daundemer', parishioner of Sutton Valence

Endorsed with description in mid 15th cent hand.
Extent1 doc
Physical DescriptionPaper, 1p, top of document damaged, several areas of text lost, dirty, creased

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