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Order NumberCCA-DCc/ChAnt/S/416
TitleLetters of proxy
PreviousNumbersSeal 23 (Sheppard)
Date29 Jun 1374
DescriptionFrom: Richard, rector of St Peter's, Sandwich; John, rector of Stonar; William, rector of Betteshanger; William, rector of Ham; Robert, rector of Knowlton; Edmund, rector of Ringwould ('Ridelyngwold'); John, rector of Little Mongeham; Valentine, rector of East Langdon; Simon, vicar of St Mary's, Sandwich; John, vicar of St Clement's, Sandwich; William, vicar of Tilmanstone; Richard, vicar of Waldershare; John, vicar of Eastry; William, vicar of Northbourne; Peter, vicar of Woodnesborough; William, vicar of Sheperdswell; Thomas Rollyng', chaplain; Thomas Reade, chaplain; Thomas atte Cherche, chaplain; Stephen Hugham, chaplain; John Cristian, chaplain; Robert White, chaplain; William White, chaplain; William Swan, chaplain; John Nelot, chaplain; John Woderove, chaplain; Nicholas Betleshangr', chaplain; Martin Hugham, chaplain; James Chestre, chaplain; John Hardelowe, chaplain; Thomas Grene, chaplain; William Farnham, chaplain; Robert Wynselade, chaplain
To: Mgr Richard of Tickenhurst [in Northbourne], clerk

The clergy of the rural deanery of Sandwich have been summoned on 30 Jun to make an oath of obedience to the prior and Chapter of Canterbury Cathedral Priory. They appoint Richard of Tickenhurst to act on their behalf, under the obligation of all their goods. At the request of the clergy, the rural dean of Sandwich has sealed document with the seal of his office.
Given at Northbourne [Kent].

Endorsed 'Clerk' in late 14th cent hand.
Extent1 doc
Physical DescriptionParchment, 1m, seal, remains of wrapping tie, filing hole to left, dirty, creased

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