Description | From: Robert the shoemaker ('Sutor') son of Edmund the shoemaker of Prittlewell To: William de Addington'; Beatrix, wife of William de Addington' 4 acres of land and a messuage in Prittlewell parish and an annual payment of 4d payable by Robert Fastred to William. The land, which Edmund, Robert's father, bought of 'Dominus' Hugh of Polstead ('Polstede') [in Great Wakering?], lies in a field called 'stanfeld' with the ditch ('fossatus') to east, the land which Robert Fastrad bought of Edmund to west, the high street to north and the land of Hugh le Buteler to south. Condition against tenure by religious men or Jews. For annual payments of 30d to the lord of the fee and 1d to Robert, both payable as specified, for all services except royal service. For this William has also paid 5½ marks as a gersum fine. No date. [Date: handwriting and witnesses to other Southchurch charters.]
Witnesses: 'Dominus' Richard of Southchurch, knight; 'Dominus' Richard of Gloucester ('glovernia'), knight; William the Welshman ('Walensis'); William Buss; Serle son of Philip; Richard de Creting'; John pikot; Hugh the butler ('pincerna'); John the Englishman ('anglicus')
Endorsed with 'de T'r' Adyngton' in late 13th cent hand and 'S' in p't'well' de Feodo de polsted' |